Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March Monthly Resolutions

It’s that time again. Time to check in and be held accountable for my monthly goals. So how did I fare for February? 
Goal 1: Go the the gym 3x week- again…. failed. 
I made it there at least twice a week and I’m sure chasing after Emmett and Ollie have to count as a workout too, but I didn’t get in 3 solid 35 to 45 minute workouts per week. :-(

Goal 2: Get my reading nook completed… successful-ish. 
The area is painted, decor is hung, pillows bought, and books sorted and ready to be shelved. The only thing missing is the bookshelf and I haven’t bought it because I know exactly which one I want but I can’t bring myself to pay full price. As soon as that sucker goes on sale I’m buying it! I want this little nook to be completed so bad because I know it will be so cute and I love that all our books and games will be in one neat, organized space. Just the thought of this makes me so happy. 
My book nook... awaiting its bookcase

Goal 3: Date night… failed. 
While we did get lunch out for just the two of us, we did not, however, find the time to book a babysitter and make a night of it. I had intentions to get this done but the weekends got filled up with other plans leaving little time for a night away. This goal isn’t dead… Pierce, I promise we will get a date night on the books!

March Goals:

Goal 1: No soda. 
March 1st is also Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent. I don’t fast but I do like to give up something for Lent. This year I’ve decided to give up something I enjoy but isn’t good for me... soda. This is going to be difficult because I love a cherry coke. I also considered alcohol, but let’s get real… Lord knows I need a drink every once in while after work and the boys have me at my wit’s end. I knew I would be setting myself up to fail if I picked that. I figured I can handle giving up soda, plus it will be good for my body since I’m trying to get toned for summer. 

Goal 2: Get in the gym for 35 to 45 minutes at least 3 times per week. 
Goodness Gracious, what’s wrong with me! I have to quit making excuses and go. I’m going to keep this on my list, but I have a feeling this is the month I accomplish my goal. 

Goal 3: Get my guest room completed. 
I’ve figured out what I want it to look like but now I need to put in the work to get it done which includes painting the room. I’m not sure what color I want but it definitely needs a fresh coat of paint. The previous owners must not have known how to hang pictures because for every spot where a picture hung there are at least 3 to 4 nail holes in the wall. There so many nail holes in this room it’s ridiculous! This room needs some love and I'm ready to make it a comfortable, relaxing space for our guests. 

Goal 4: Date night with the hubs. 
Repeat: I will find the time and make this happen!

These are my monthly goals. I like putting them on paper because it helps hold me accountable to keep progressing in my life on multiple levels. What are your goals for this month?


On another note, I was gone for a little longer than normal because my little cuddle bug, Ollie, has been sick, and when he doesn't sleep, I don't sleep. So I've had no energy at night to post. On Saturday at 2:30am I had to take him to the emergency room because he was having a very difficult time breathing and it was so scary. Turns out he has pneumonia. Thankfully he is on the mend and seems to be feeling and breathing much better. Say a little pray that he continues to heal. It breaks my heart to see my children in pain. 
Oliver helping George take his breathing treatment

Here's to hoping March has wonderful things in store for you all!

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