Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Weekend Activities and Serenity Now

Warning... A quick vent before I get into to the weekend wrap-up. 

Is it strange that after some weekends I look forward to Monday's and going back to work? It's not that my work is the greatest thing but weekends can be so exhausting. Emmett and Oliver must save up all their energy for Pierce and I because they run us ragged both physically and mentally. I know when I go to work I will have quiet time where I won't be assaulted with barrage of questions and demands.
Serenity Now!
Thank goodness Pierce and I usually get a few hours of one on one time before we pick up the boys on Fridays because otherwise I don't know when we'd ever find that time. After we put the boys to bed we are both spent and I just want to zone out and chill or pass out. Does anyone else feel this way? How do decompress and how do you find the time to do so? Do you have any recommendations on how we could find this time during the day when the boys are around? Neither of them take naps and it's more frustrating trying to get them to take one than just letting them stay up. 
I don't want to be a grump to the kids or my husband but there come a point on the weekends when the demands, back talk, sass, and questions become too much. Help a mother out? 

Now onto the fun stuff that wears me out... don't get me wrong I love the activities even though I know there will be attitude and entitlement will follow. 

Pierce and I finally took the time to bike the West Ashley Greenway. It was a beautiful day and a great way to get in some cardio. I'm sure Pierce regretted letting me lead because I book it. I did slow down a little so he could catch up and I could enjoy the scenery. 

I just had to share a for photos of my little man at t-ball practice because he's so stink'n cute. He's getting so big and his skills this year have improved greatly since last year. I have a feeling it's going to be a good season. 

After t-ball we decided to head downtown to do some exploring. We started at the library which was hosting a super hero training day. Emmett made his own mask and cape.

Practicing his feats of strength. 

Oliver eating is so sweet... pinkies out. 

Faster than a speeding bullet... at the Hunley at the Charleston Museum

Ended our exploring at Magnolia Cemetery. A little morbid but extremely interesting. Next we come here I'm bringing my big camera because there are some many beautiful details in the tombs, headstones, and ironwork. 
Exploring attire: shirt // jeans // shoes

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