Monday, March 13, 2017

Weekend Recap

Did you guys have a nice weekend? Mine was good. I could have done without the cold on Sunday but all in all it was a good one so I thought I'd give you a little recap. 

On Friday Pierce's aunt invited me to the Nora Jones concert. It's been so long since I've been out, much less to a concert, I couldn't pass it up. Nora's voice and musical talent are astounding. It was a good time and I really enjoyed catching up with family. 
What I wore, sorry for the bathroom pic but I was on the way out and it was dark and this room had the best light. I have to mention this... Did you know you can shop TJ Maxx online now? What the what?!? Game changer because I love the Maxx which is where I got this top. 
 blouse (similar) // jeans- cuffed // watch 

On Saturday, Emmett had his first t-ball practice. He's on the team with a couple of the same kids from last year so that's nice. It's always fun to see how much the kids have grown. Now if Emmett can just focus and not run the bases when he's supposed to be playing in the field but I guess that's a four year old for you.
After that we met up and had lunch with my mom who came down to spend a little time with us. Me, my mom, and Oliver did a little shopping after lunch. When we got home I prepped for dinner and made the snickerdoodles I posted about a while back.
Me and my mom after a little shopping

My mom came down with the intention of us going out and practicing our photography skills. A couple of years ago I took a landscape photography workshop with BlueHour Photo Ventures which was amazing. Paul, the instructor, had contacted me to let me know they would be back in charleston this weekend so I could meet with them. I was pumped to join and asked my mom to join in as well but it ended up being so could and rainy that we didn't make it. I hate that it didn't to work out because Paul is an awesome instructor and has created such beautiful photos and shares his wisdom to teach others to do the same. Here are a couple of his photos. If you are interested in landscape photography I definitely recommend his course. They travel all over the world so check it out and see when they will be near you or at a location you'd want to visit. So long as you have the basic equipment and a little knowledge, Paul will help you with everything else. 
See, didn't I tell you his work is amazing. He also sells prints through his site if you're interested. 

 The tour package for Iceland looks awesome... that would be a dream place to photograph

Since we weren't able to make the photo session work, we did a little shopping before my mom headed back home. 
We were pretty much shut-ins for the rest of the day so we took it easy. With the fireplace going, we played cars and games for most the afternoon. These two are so sweet with one another. Even though Oliver isn't old enough to really participate, Emmett humors him and let's him have a turn and play along with us. I love how much they love one another. I hope it continues as they grow. 
 We played Head Bands. It's a good game for kids Emmett's age. 

 Ollie has claimed this old ottoman that is pretty deflated. I had it stored in the guest room and was planning on refilling it but apparently it is his new favorite place to sit and chill. He drug it out of the guest room and made it his spot in the living room. It is the cutest thing watching him figure things out and this one that he figured out all on his own. 

After supper and bath, we hit the hay. I'm still getting used to the time change and 6am came way too soon this morning. I hope the week goes by quickly but I have a feeling it's going to drag. 
So that wraps up our weekend. 

One more thing... today is the last day of the Friends and Family sale where you can get an additional 30% off most everything at World Market. Just use code FRIENDS. 

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