Sunday, April 2, 2017

April Monthly Resolutions

Whoa! March flew by in a flash and I can't believe it's already April. It's been a busy month and I'm afraid that I don't see us slowing down any for April. We've got Emmett's birthday, Easter, and our anniversary. So basically our weekends are already booked and the month hasn't even started. 
Anyways... I guess I'll get to it. Did I achieve my March goals?

Goal 1: No soda
Going great so far. I only had one incident where I cheated but I didn't have much of a choice. I took Emmett to see Beauty and the Beast and if I go to the movies, I have to have popcorn. And I can't have popcorn without anything to drink and the movie options are soda, so I did partake. Other than that, I've stuck to it and I'm keeping it up through Lent. Promise. 

Goal 2: Get in the gym for 35 to 45 minutes at least 3 times per week. 
I've done okay. I didn't make it to the gym 3x per week but I did work out most weeks at least three times. Some at the gym or at home or around the neighborhood. 

Goal 3: Get my guest room completed.
It's still a work in progress (insert sad face). I've got the layout I want and picked the paint but I haven't gotten it painted yet. We've got family coming in town and I didn't want it to be a disaster for them so I'm holding off until next month. 

April Goals

The Goal: 
This month I only have one goal. One big, huge, important goal- Eating Clean for 40 days. I've got to jump start my body for the summer and this is the way I do it. I prefer to start on a Monday, so tomorrow kicks everything off. I'll be following the Clean Simple Eats program I discussed in this post. I'll also be working out at least four times a week. I really like Body Bikini Guide, so I'm going to follow the principles on which this method is based. I'll be doing two LISS workouts and two resistance workouts a week starting off and hopefully add HIIT to the regimen in a few weeks.
I'm going to the beach with my family the second week of May and this should end just before I head there. Hopefully I'll have my body much closer to beach ready. 

We had a beautiful weekend here with perfect weather. I'm so happy that spring has finally sprung. Here are a couple a photos from the weekend I wanted to share. 

Emmett at bat at his first t-ball game this season.

Me and the wild man heading home after a friend's birthday party. 

Our neighbors threw there annual Easter egg hunt. Waiting for the hunt to start.

After the hunt. Lots of sugar was consumed today. 

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