Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Weekend with my Bunnies

Happy Easter! I hope everyone got to spend some fun quality time with family... I sure did. On Saturday, Oliver and I headed to my parent's house in the country. I always love visiting them. They're just over an hour away, so the trip isn't too bad and the boys love seeing their grandparents, getting endless treats, and running around in the woods. I grew up the country down a dirt road with our nearest neighbors about a mile away. I spent my days helping my grandparents in the garden and running around barefooted. I'm not scared of tromping through the woods and I can spot a critter before just about anyone else. I enjoyed growing up in the country and I want to boys to get a little of that experience when they visit.
Pierce and Emmett showed up a little bit later then me and Oliver. They had gone camping with our neighbors, so they arrived stinky and tired. Once they showered and rested we played, dyed Easter eggs, and helped my dad ("Papa" to the boys) plant sunflowers.
**Warning: picture overload**

Camping wore him out. Thankfully I remembered to bring Cutie (his bear).

 Egg dyeing is serious business for me and E.

Emmett Egg and Ollie Egg

He made some fabulous eggs and only spilled one cup of dye.

Planting sunflower seeds.

 On Sunday we headed to church with my parents. When we got back to the house we ate too much and then hid and hunted Easter eggs.. Emmett loved finding them. Oliver found a couple but when he would find one, he would put it in his basket then take it out and put it back where he found it. It was cute... Emmett ended up sharing his eggs with Oliver.

My parents.

Finding Easter eggs.

Ollie found one. 

After the hunt. They are so sweet to one another. It makes this mama's heart so happy!

The Easter bunny found his way to my parent's house and their were baskets waiting for the boys when we got back home. Needless to say, there is way too much candy in our house right now. I think I'm going to have to sneak and get rid of some because it does not help me now that I'm trying to eat clean. It's just too tempting.
That was about it. Time to crash and get ready for another exciting workweek (insert sarcasm emoji). Hope you all had as nice of weekend as I did!

I gave up sodas and now that Lent's over it's on. Cherry Coke... get in my belly.

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