Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Weekend in Review

What's up ladies!?! Hope this week is treating you wonderfully. With all the holidays we've had over the past months, going back to a 5 day workweek is torturous and feels SO long. Who's with me?
Anyway, since I'm already ready for the weekend to be here I thought I share a little of what I did this past weekend. As my Charleston gals are aware, this weekend sucked weather-wise. Rain, rain, humidity, and more rain... ugh.

At least I had an excuse to wear my favorite galoshes, these are so comfy, easy to slip on, and have a nice fuzzy lining. The exact ones I have aren't available anymore but their new style is even cuter with a yellow sole. Check them out here.

Even though the rain was set in on Saturday, I was bound and determined to get out of the house and get in some much needed retail therapy. Oliver and I hit up the outlets and scored these awesome heels that I've been drooling over for weeks. Check them out now because they're 50% off and another 20% off if you spend over $100! I also got the shirt because I need another striped shirt. 😏

Back at the house, we had Emmett's 100 day school project to work on. He decided to make a monster with 100 eyes. I drew the shape and he did all the painting and glueing. I love his creative spirit and his desire to draw and create. I have always loved to draw and it's so nice to see my child take pleasure in things that I love. I definitely want to nurture his creative spirit because I have a feeling he is going to be very talented.

Signing his masterpiece 

Check out that work of art! 

As you can see in the picture above, Emmett's hair was super shaggy, so on Sunday I pulled out the clippers and gave both he and Pierce some fresh new do's. Oliver's hair is getting long too but I can't bring myself to cut my baby's hair. I'm going to hold out until Pierce really gets onto me to get it done. 
Fresh, new do!

On Sunday we tried to sleep in, which apparently does not happen if you have a 4 year old. Again, it rained most of the day so we played, watched a movie, and got one of the boys to nap... if only they both would but my baby is so afraid he will miss something that he refuses to nap at home. It's so frustrating! Any tips? Please help!
All in all, we got in lots of in-house family time and cleaned out a few things I've been meaning to get rid of. The weekends with the boys are great but I have to be "on" all the time and it feels like they never stop with questions or wanting me to get something or see something. I hate to say it, but I almost look forward to going back to work just so I can have some quiet time. I say that, but now it's Tuesday and I'm already ready for this crazy, chaotic weekend with my loves to be here.  

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