Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Making Resolutions

Happy 2017! I hope that you are all having a great start to this new year. 
My typical New Year’s resolutions are for self-improvement (eat better, workout more, save more, spend more quality time with the family), and I have great intentions but my drive usually fizzles out after a few months. I hope that by setting monthly goals I will keep myself continuously motivated since I will be focusing on one or two manageable goals at a time rather than too many which would can be overwhelming. 
They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, so rather than set lofty yearly goals that burn bright but fizzle out before spring gets here; I’ve decided I’m going to set attainable monthly goals. If they (whoever “they” are) are right, then as long as I stick to the goal I set for each month, I should be on my way to creating healthy habits.

January Goals:
**Get Moving**

Last year I had baby weight to lose and did the 12 week Bikini Body Guide. I had great results with the program and it really changed my mindset on how I should be working out. It taught me the importance of resistance and weight training along with cardio. As life would have it, I slacked off and let the chaos of life and excuses replace my workouts. Starting now I am back at it. 
Using elements I learned from BBG, I plan on doing at least 2 resistance workouts, 2 LISS (low intensity sustained state), and 1 stretching/rehab per week. No excuses, I have to do this every week. Hopefully by February it will be ingrained in me again. Working out makes me feel accomplished, strong, energized and motivated. Who doesn't what to feel that way? I sure know I do. 
Here is some workout gear I’ve been lusting over. One or two new things is sure keep me motivated, right? 😊

Max Out Tank- the built in tank is awesome!!

Nike Training Shoe- perfect for resistance workouts


**Get Pretty**

Now that I’m in my thirties I’ve started to notice those signs of aging we all dread. They are inevitable but surely we can slow them down. I figure it’s worth a shot to try. I bought Pierce a face scrubber for Christmas that I’m going to test out. (I don’t know if your husband’s are into face products but Pierce loves a good face scrubber, peel, mask, etc., and I’m happy to ablige because then I can try them too.) 

I’ve taken my before picture and, in 30 and 60 days, I’ll take after pictures, and we shall see if there is any validity to the claims that scrubbers help reduce lines. I sure hope so! Stay tuned. 

Thanks for reading and helping me stay motivated. 
What are your New Year’s Resolutions? I’d love to hear them.

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