Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Bye bye January, Hello February!

So as I said at the beginning of January, instead of having yearly goals, I am making monthly goals and now it's checkin time for January. So how did I do on my two goals? 
1. Hit the gym 3x a week- Failed 👎🏻 
I don't have any excuse for this other than life got in the way. I have to pick up the baby early or get something from the store. Lunch breaks are the best time for me to workout but they are also the best time for me to get stuff done sans kids. No excuse but that's what happened. 
I did workout at least twice a week but that was not the goal. At a minimum I wanted to workout 3 times. 
2. Use my facial scrubber every day for 30 days with before and after pictures- Succeeded 👍🏻 
I used the Conair True Glow Sonic Cleansing Brush every night after washing my face. I'd put a little face wash onto the pad and scrub for a minute. The scrubber has a built in timer and beeps every 10 seconds to let you know to move onto the next section of you face. This feature was really nice and I think it helped me get a good even overall cleaning. 
Results: I don't know if my wrinkles were reduced but my skin has a nice luminous glow to it now. My face feels tighter after using it as well. Some of my coworkers commented on my skin and asked me what I was doing differently because i looked refreshed and my eyes seemed brighter. I'll take that as a win!! Glowing skin and looking more refreshed are always positives for this tired mama. I'll keep using the scrubber and let you know if I see any changes on the wrinkle front. 

You'll have to excuse the lighting on the January shots, it's too harsh... oh, well. 

February Goals:
1. Go to the gym/workout for 35 to 45 minutes a minimum of 3x per week. For real this time. 
2. Get my reading nook completed. I've got the space painted, inspiration found, and a wishlist a mile long, so now I need is follow through and get it done. I can't wait to get this space done with all our books on a proper bookshelf and out of our guest room dresser. 
3. Get in a date night with the husband. Within 28 days I should be able to find the time and a babysitter so that Pierce and I can get one evening to ourselves. 

Here's a little inspiration to keep my February goals on track:

I think this is the bookcase I want, I'm just waiting for it to go on sale. Find it HERE

There are so many great restaurants in Charleston, here are few I'm dying to try:

What are your favorite Charleston area restaurants? We don't go out to eat much, so when we do I want it to be wonderful and delicious so recommendations are always welcome!

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