Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Wrap-up

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and got in some fun family time because we did. We packed up everyone and everything, and headed to my parents house for three days.

Emmett and Ollie at home. As you can tell, Oliver wasn't really into the picture taking.

My parent live in the country so we decide to pull out the metal detector and see what we could find. Emmett loved treasure hunting and we had to do it everyday we were there. If you need someone to find shell casings and fence wire, we are your team. I must admit, I got into it and would love to try it again somewhere where we might actually find something cool.


Christmas morning was a whirlwind and the kids had so much fun going through Santa's presents and opening all the gifts from family. I love watching the kids and my family's reactions as they open their gifts. I'm so glad we are able to give them presents but I also want them to be appreciative of what they get. Trying to instill that in a four year is hard, but he did say thank you for everything which was so sweet. 

 Rudolf pancakes for breakfast. As you can tell Emmett is all about Pokemon.

I got some great gifts myself and looking at them now, I see a trend... blue. Didn't realize that I did that but at least I'll coordinate. 

I had a wonderful Christmas and hope you all did as well. As I get older I realize how quickly time goes back and that makes we want to treasure these times because they are so fleeting. So I'll hug my boys a little longer and breathe in that sweet baby smell because pretty soon it won't be there or they won't let me. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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