Monday, July 31, 2017

Weekend Fun

Since I've been too busy to post lately I thought I'd get back into it by sharing a little of what the fam and I did this past weekend. As always, the weekends are busy and exhausting mostly because the boys are full of energy and need/want constant interaction... whew, I'm still recovering.

I try to find activities for the kids on the weekends. I've heard other people talking about hunting for painted rocks and it sounded right up my alley. With a little research I was able to find several groups in the Charleston area. Search #charlestonrocks on instagram and Facebook to find local groups and locations for where to hunt.
So what's with the rocks?
1. find rocks
2. paint rocks
3. post rocks with hints on where to hunt for them
4. hide rocks
5. find other people's rocks which you can either keep or re-hide

I told Emmett about it and, like I expected, he was totally up for so we went to our local park to look for hidden painted rocks and find rocks we could paint.

Searching for rocks and getting in some play time at the park.

Clean the rocks you find before painting. Let dry.

Both boys love to paint and although Ollie mainly painted the plate, we all had fun.

Mine, Emmett, and Oliver's creations. Add a clear protective coating and they're ready to be hidden.

On Sunday the weather was absolutely gorgeous so we spent most of the day outside beginning at Waterfront Park in Mt Pleasant. They have a great playground, plus it was a good spot to hide a few of our newly painted rocks. 

shirt (similar) // shorts // shoes

Have you heard about the painted rocks? If so, where are the best place to hide and find them? Good luck and happy hunting. If you happen to find one of ours, please let me know. I'd love to know where they wind up. 

On a side note... how cute is this purse I snagged this weekend as an early birthday present to myself. Love it!! 

Is it wrong to look forward to Monday? At least I know I can get some quiet time at work ;-)

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