Thursday, November 12, 2020

House Tour: Emmett’s Room

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. When it’s cool enough to open up the windows during the day without the a/c kicking on and wearing jeans without sweating through them. Summer lasts a long time in the Charleston so I really look forward to these small pleasures when fall arrives. My only issue is that is goes by too quickly and instead of cool breezes it’s freezing before you know it which I’m much less a fan of. So this weekend with all the windows open letting in that refreshing fall air, I put the final touches on Emmett’s room. I’m pretty proud of this one because it’s the first bedroom in the house that feels complete. 

Emmett is 8 going on 15, so I wanted to decorate his room in a style that wasn’t too childish but still had some fun elements. He loves the outdoors and traveling so I found a bunch of old travel pennants on EBay to hang on the wall behind his bed. This is the largest wall in his room so I painted it a deep green, Still Searching, which I love, and left the three remaining walls a light cream color. 

I built these floating shelves using these brackets (small size fits the 8" boards) from Hobby Lobby (they seem to go 50% off every other week so if they aren’t on sale today, wait a week)  and 1- 8’x8”x1” cut in half to make the two 48” shelves. I just sanded, stained, and hung them up. Easy-peasy. This was a super affordable and easy way to create shelves where Emmett can display his LEGO creations. 

I bought these canoe and national parks vintage posters online but didn’t want to tack them to the wall so made the poster hangers using 2- 5’ wooden slats I cut to 24” and 36", then stained to match the shelves. I tried magnets at first but they didn’t hold so I ended up hot gluing the slats to the front and back, top and bottom of each poster then added eye hooks to the top which I strung through with a piece of leather cord. 

Emmett loves his new room and is ready to start visiting the national parks so he can check them off and get new pennants from places he visits. 
Below are a few more shots of his room. Hope you enjoyed this room tour! More photos and sources are below.